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✨2023 FNC Global Audition in Australia✨

Aaren 0 7196

2023 글로벌오디션 최종포스터_웹용.jpg

[오디션 일정 / Audition Schedules]

July 15th – Melbourne


[지원방법 / Application Method]
On-site Application


[지원자격 / Qualification]
Any person born between 2004-2012


[지원분야 / Category]
- Vocal / Rap: Any song without backtrack (within 1.5 mins)
- Dance: Any dance (within 1.5mins)
- Acting: At least one scenario (within 1min)
- Instruments: A video of you playing the instrument (within 1 min)
- Visual: Self-PR (within 30 secs)
- Modeling: Catwalk walk + 3 poses


[시간 및 장소 / Date & Location]


-Date: July 15th 10am

-Registration time: 10am~12pm

-Location: @O2 Dance studios

-Address:  LEVEL1/200 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000



오디션 공고 바로가기: https://fncent.com/b/aud_notice/56580

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